Approximative representation of spectral colors in sRGB

V. Schubert, 2024-05-16

Color matching to sRGB performed by human subjects; all columns refer to that, except one (for comparison, calculated results are shown in column "CIECAM02").

Wavelength by adding D65 by CIECAM02 Behrens spectral brightness medium brightness German name English name Code
400 nm Violett Violett
405 nm
410 nm
415 nm
420 nm
425 nm
430 nm
435 nm
440 nm Indigo Indigo
445 nm
450 nm Ultramarinblau Ultramarine PB29
455 nm Königsblau Royal blue
460 nm Kobaltblau Cobalt blue PB28
465 nm Azurblau Azure
470 nm
475 nm Legoblau Lego blue RAL 5015
480 nm Druckcyan Process cyan PB 15:3, RAL 5012
485 nm PB 36, PB 16
490 nm Web-Cyan, Türkisblau Electric cyan, Turquoise blue RAL 5018
495 nm
500 nm Türkisgrün Turquoise green
505 nm
510 nm
515 nm
520 nm Signalgrün, Legogrün Lego green RAL 6024, RAL 6032
525 nm
530 nm
535 nm RAL 6037, RAL 6038
540 nm Web-Grün Electric green
545 nm
550 nm
555 nm
560 nm
565 nm Neongelb
570 nm Zitronengelb
575 nm Neutralgelb
580 nm Legogelb Lego yellow
585 nm
590 nm
595 nm
600 nm
605 nm
610 nm
615 nm
620 nm
625 nm
630 nm
635 nm
640 nm
645 nm
650 nm
655 nm
660 nm

Color hue matching (with saturation balance) performed with LEDs in low energy mode by 3 subjects. Lightness by matching real daylight spectrum. Thanks to E. and J..

CIECAM02 color data calculated by Behrens ("Magnetkern").

WolframAlpha has a query interface to approximate spectral colors in sRGB.